Wolff's Law
No, I'm not typing about Canis lupus satiation for those of you catching my spelling mistake, I'm referring to the German surgeon Julius Wolff . Dr. Wolf had written a lot in his time, arguably his biggest contribution was a Law he named after himself, Wolff's Law.To put it simply, he found that bone changed based on how it received and distributed forces, the more loading to a bone the stronger its components became to resist these forces, it also works in reverse, less loading the weaker a bone becomes.
This is a BIG concept.
Bone responds to stimulus, it's cells adapt, it's mineral components adapt, simply put it responds to what is occurring and creates what is necessary to stay healthy. This law lays down the foundation for what many researchers study today known as mechanotransduciton , and its a hot topic in health care, from osteoporosis, joint health, muscle health, to sports performance , you can't turn a cheek without seeing it.
But whats the fuss you ask? Your body uses forces everyday to gauge how much or how little it needs to build, replace and change. You want to become healthy and strong, have healthy joints, recover from injury or improve at your athletic endeavours you need to stress your tissues consistently in the right amounts, and never too little. Similar to last weeks post I will use this law and other topics to lead up to a general principle weekly on this blog. In the meantime, stay hungry people.