Training for the Sport of Life

I once read a book by an esteemed weight lifting coach named Mark Rippetoe , in the book he draws a distinction between training and working out. He mentioned that training is a process where you are working towards a specific goal and each sessions has a purpose, while exercising is simply just a workout with no intention or engagement with long term improvements. There is statement in many regards is truthful, however I don’t like how it place training on a pedestal, a much more important process than exercising. The reason I feel this is because it removes all elements of play as the process, enjoyment as the goal, and long term health as the ultimate endeavour. In reality we are all training all the time, any amount of any form of exercises will provide youa benefit to your health, in an incremental, sustained and long term fashion. In fact we should play like its an important part of our training in our sport of life and longevity.

Ian Pirie