Simple Advice
We’ve all heard some simple advice that has made an impact on us. It may have came on an instagram quote, came from a coach, a podcast ,or overhead at practice. One little piece of advice that I heard came from a webinar involving Canada’s Olympic Decathlon Gold Medalist , Damian Warner. The webinar involved the used of IMS or inrasmuscular stimulation in aiding Damian’s training for the games. However it was what Damian said regarding his ability to get in high volume of training and stay healthy that stuck with me . He mentioned that his mentality for training for a season is “100% healthy and 80% fit” in other words, don’t push yourself to get a little bit a fitness gain if its going to be hard on you, if its going to expose you to increased chronic stress. With this philosophy Damian ensures that he gets to every practice, he builds though the seasons and competes in his healthiest state- which is naturally going to be the most productive. Training for the Olympics or a local 5km or just looking to maintain health and wellness, we all need to focus on the 100% healthy