Health as Freedom

There is a lot of talk these days about Freedom. Freedom, the ability to become what we want to become, how we want to become it and who to become with. Unfortunately this term has been hijacked by the current trend of emotional taglines and memes, evoking a sense that freedom is just to do whatever it is you want, consequence free, just stay out of my way.

This may see odd if you came here for a physio blog, it does loop back on itself.

When we go about our day to day activities, whether it be work related, recreational task or just something we need to successfully run our households, we are dependent on our bodies to allow us to complete the task. To be able to complete these tasks unencumbered, pain free, and if you're lucky sometimes you may even free good doing it. This is freedom of movement, freedom of health . To be cared for when you are not able to participate , to be able to access the resources when you are not experiencing health. A healthy society is one provides the care to all , when necessary. Health is freedom.

Ian Pirie