Don't forget the Nervous System

Often times the discussion of rehabilitation is dominated by the topics of muscles, ligament, tendons and joints- the musculoskeletal stuff. Rightfully so - it is most often what is giving someone trouble. When describing the systems which create stability for our bodies to move researchers are quick to label three systems. The two of these make intuitive sense, they are 1) The Passive System- this includes the shape of the joints and ligaments and 2) The Active System- essentially the muscles of the body. The third system which is much less thought of but serves an important role in completing the trifecta, it is the neuromuscular system.

Why bring this up? Well the brain is described as the most complex organized structure in the known universe, that is a tall order. Our nervous system control everything we see, feel, do , experience….on and on and on- it is everything. It is everything for our bodies to remain stable too. The research shows that in individuals with low back pain have a delayed onset of the core musculature. Not so much how much the muscles re contracting but when they are contracting, essentially how the body is choosing to react to what it sees and anticipates. I bring this up because far too often the chit chat regarding rehab and performance is based on muscles and joint- the nervous system is a major major player.

What do you do to keep your nervous system healthy?

Ian Pirie