The art of the Cell

I was lucky enough to attend college and obtain a degree in Biology. Each day I attended university fostered a sense of intrigue and wonder, I often describe each of those days as having an opportunity to attend several TED talks. Recently I have read Siddhartha Mukherjee’s book titled “Song of the Cell.” Its a great read, describing the first use of the microscope through to the discoveries of what cells in our body do and how they do it. It really connected me with my time studying Biology.

Thinking about how it applies to my line of work in physiotherapy. It becomes clear that all modalities whether it be exercise, manual therapy , or dry needling are effective due the impact on the cells of the body. When we think about therapy and rehabilitation we are thinking of creating environments for our cells to grow , develop and reconnect. When you take care of your cells, your cells will take care of you.

Ian Pirie