Defining Healthy
There is almost always debate amongst sporting enthusiasts- what sport has the most fit athlete? Is it football players of the NFL, olympic swimmers, is it a free solo climber? When you begin to break it down, each sport will have it’s own specific demand which each athlete has adapted to. The question then becomes , who has the most well adapted athlete and then you can start looking at things like victories or numbers of years played.
This same set of principles can be applied to health. Your health, my health, our health. What do you define as healthy? What are you looking to do with your life? Everyone will, as everyone should, have a different answer. For some it can be feeling more energetic, for others it can be running a faster half marathon, for some it can be eating more vegetables or not injury their backs every 6 months. Defining your own health will be the first part of setting out to achieve that health. It may or may not be surprising that not only eating well and getting exercises will be a part of your defined healthiness.