Reindeer Games

I am going to stand by it, the two hip morphologies we discussed last day- CAM and Pincer-  would be fantastic names for Santa's Reindeer.

All jokes a side, there seems to be an increased prevalence of CAM impingement in athletic populations vs the general public. A study from a group in Qatar (ready for 2022?!?) eluded to soccer players having a prevalence of CAM type hip morphology at rates from 60%-72% while the general population has CAM closer to 17%-20%. 

But again the bony changes- if you can even consider them to be changes- do not mean that one has pain or needs surgery. This same research group investigated the role  of changes to the hip in x-rays and it's change to hip function. Associations of strength and range for a battery of tests which included hip internal rotation, external rotation, total hip rotation, and abduction/adduction strength.

The major findings showed that, well, when you have a different hip morphology, your hips show less range. But more importantly that these tests alone are not enough to determine your hip morphology or your need for surgery.

Simply put-  This tells me something- everyones hips will be different and move different. Its not a problem......until it becomes a problem with major range of motion differences, strength loss and pain. 

Is Bony Hip Morphology Associated With Range of Motion and Strength in Asymptomatic Male Soccer Players? ANDREA B. MOSLERRINTJE AGRICOLA,KRISTIAN THORBORG,ADAM WEIR, ROD J. WHITELEY KAY M., CROSSLEY PER HÖLMICH, journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy april 2018,volume 4,number 4 250-259
Ian Pirie