Building in some slack

I recently listened to a well put together podcast from David Stein’s “Money for the rest of Us” titled “The economy is not a machine” Interestingly enough, the lessons and stories of this podcast apply to rehabilitation and training. Of particular is the importance of building in periods of slack into systems and schedules in order to boost resilience. Another example is the use of mono crops, good for efficiency in processing of the crop but terrible in resilience in case of a blight or a sudden illness which would wipe out the crop. David continues to draw examples which so the importance of the trade off efficiency vs resiliency in economics - the thing is I can think of several in the physio world. Simply put , your training and rehab should always incorporate periods of slack to adjust for over training and overloading your bodies tissue- recovery needs to take a priority - it counts for more than half of your training response. Take the time to build in some slack.

Ian Pirie