In Praise of Slow
In 2003 , during my first term of undergraduate studies, a classmate was assigned a book titled “In Praise of Slow” It seemed weird to me at the time, that you would need to slow things down. That there would be something vital to going slow and to rally against the ever increasing speed of life. Fast forward nearly 20 years later and now that I am working as a physiotherapist, my experiences in this field leave me in praise of slow. We are often told that things can heal and physiology can change fast, in truth some ailments will, but most will not. The human body will respond to change, however it takes time and most importantly consistency. Thinking of your session, your training, your time in recocery as part of a long process will allow for greater sustained change. Think of slow, don’t expect things to be fast, progress takes time and your body will respond.