
The things that a western, industrialized, educated, rich and democratic society bear are almost always under-appreciated. If you’re like me you have a choice of where to spend your time, where to eat your food, even what type of food and how much, you have access to information and even some spare time. These are things which aren’t given, they are privileges to winning some kind of obscure societal lottery, unfortunately these are things that are not valued and easily manipulated. Sources information can be designed to mislead, conflate education and entrainment in order for us to consume more. Our food is designed to resemble things that look very little like food and are highly addicting, once again getting us to consume more. Exercises is designed to look trendy, cool, and difficult so only the most athletic can participate. Non of which is designed to allow you to lead longevity in which ever goal or meaningful task or target your choose. Bestowed which such choices, the most important thing is to decide for yourself what is meaningful necessary and long lasting.

Ian Pirie