Seasons Change
Hard to believe that we are already into the middle of September. You can really feel it , the cooler, shorter days with some trees already begin to change color, amongst a change in routine with kids going to school, summer vacations coming to a close. The earth goes through it annual cyclical change. A build up of growth and development in the spring and slowly and natural decay in the fall. The earth does this for a number of reasons, one of which is to deal with energy balance. It has me thinking that for all of the people that find themselves under my care, this is an important message for how we treat our bodies. Our training and activites should not always be about building up, growing and progressing, there should also be times which are focussed on slowing down and taking it easy. The seasonal changes should be a time for us to embark in new activities, sports, or even cutting back entirely for a time. As is with the earth, our bodies are also dependent on cyclical breaks.