The whole body .....MRI?

All right folks, I know i am getting older and more out of touch by the day. Rumour has it the latest bunch of social media celebrities have been lauding “Whole Body MRI’s” as a for of preventative. So much for the social determinants of health.

The concept of preventative medicine is not new, its well supported and has good intentions. We’ve all grown up with the adage of eating well and getting plenty of exercise will keep you healthy and happy. And now should we be adding regular Magnetic Resonance Injury?? Simple ideas and advice have now expanded well beyond things that an industry can’t profit from, so lets add more products and pills in the mix. Is this necessary? Have we though this out, does the consumer know that they can have a positive finding in say , a joint, like arthritis but it doesn’t have any impact on them? Would that consumer be empowered or become more fearful?

There is a huge litany of debate on this topic and the philosophy of what constitutes holistic health. As a Physiotherapist I certainly lean to the approach requiring as little invasion intervention as possible.

The CBC radio show “The Current” has done a great job covering this topic. A link to the show can be found here

Ian Pirie